By Godstar Games

Earth. 2450 AD

After mastering space travel, humanity finally broke the locks of relativity by building 'The Gate'. A vast construction, built in what used to be known as the Mediterranean, having long since become a dried out basin after the shifting of the magnetic poles.

The Gate provided near instantaneous travel to anywhere in the mapped Universe. For a brief few years humanity prospered as never before, but little did they know, they had already sealed their fate and caught the attention of the Watchers in the Void.

Despite their technology, the people of Earth and all its colonies gradually fell under the merciless and terrible onslaught from these mysterious titans, whose abilities seemed magical in nature, as they defied explanation irrespective of the vast scientific knowledge gathered over centuries. Surely, it must be science so advanced it just seems like magic? This was the reasoning of all logical minds...

Because magic was just a fairy tale...right?
Five hundred years have passed since the exiles from Earth sought refuge and made a new home in The Land.

The Gate itself, the cause of all this woe, had provided the means of escape from inevitable doom. The cost in lives to pass through The Gate had been in the millions and only a scant few thousand had made it through. Sheer numbers had bought enough distraction for these few to find solace. One of the Lords of the Void had managed to follow, a being of pure hatred and unimaginable power, capable of destoying the defencless exiles in an instant. And yet, at the last moment when all seemed lost, The Land itself awoke.

It is unclear what happened next, as the tales differ from person to person, handed down to sons and daughters over the years. But one thing remains true, the creature from the Void had been turned to solid stone and remains to this day, in what is known as the Dead Dunes Sea. A monument of sorts to those terrible times.

Some say a hooded man, even darker than the creature of the Void had lightly simply uttered a word, and yet others say they saw a knight in armour, sat upon a great steed hold forth a sword of shining silver.
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